We partner with local and national businesses on new ideas and projects when they need the vast research and expertise of a private university. 我们的教师都是各自领域中享有盛誉的专家, and we can protect corporate trade secrets as a private institution.
我们的教育将课堂理论与现实经验相结合, and our students work for businesses in classes and internships while still in school. 他们离开时做好了为雇主做出巨大贡献的准备, with 71 percent of students having at least one job offer at graduation.
If you're part of a local business and you'd like to partner with DU, 请与我们的社区联络员联系. We're always looking for new ways to collaborate with our community, and we'd love to hear from you.
If you're an employer looking to post a job or an internship for DU students, 你可以在我们的先锋职业页面上找到你的空缺职位. Our students and alumni use this database to find career opportunities, so it's perfect if you are seeking talented individuals to contribute to your goals.
The University of Denver’s campus provides businesses and student organizations with a variety of spaces on campus, 室内和室外, for events, 活动及会议.
Project X-ITE
连接大学的所有资源, 项目X-ITE为学生提供了一个空间, 教师和企业创新. Collaborate with us in the X-Lab or drop by our X-ITE Solutions office hours to mentor students on their business ideas.
Learn MoreConsumer Insights & 商业创新中心
是什么让客户和消费者心动? 消费者洞察 & 商业创新中心 explores marketing trends and customer behavior through experiments, surveys, 焦点小组和观察.
Learn More企业伦理研究所
在企业道德研究所, executives and directors learn from respected scholars and seasoned business leaders through roundtable discussions, panels, 播客和网络.
Learn More帕迪国际期货中心
The 帕迪国际期货中心 uses forecasting modeling systems to explore, understand and shape strategy to address the major issues facing humanity.
Learn More交通研究所
The 交通研究所 offers corporate education customized around each company’s needs. Our sponsors and partners benefit from our student business planning projects, 哪些可以提高生产率和收入增长.
Learn More应用研究与技术研究所
应用研究 & Technology Institute provides access to facilities and research services to its partners. This interdisciplinary team addresses everything from STEM education to space exploration.
Learn MoreOur Partnerships
A telecommunications giant looked to DU grad students to improve customer engagement and enhance satisfaction.
When a global tech company searched for ways to leverage its new technology, it turned to students from four of our schools and colleges for help.
One of the world’s most popular shoe companies chose to work with DU students to improve the company’s basketball footwear.