We're dedicated to a strong community right here in Denver, with connections and partnerships that benefit everyone. We welcome neighbors to our beautiful campus—to attend public lectures, athletic events and artistic performances, and to use our conference and event spaces.
社区及访客 Meeting Dates & Times
作为丹佛市第二大私营非零售业雇主,我们也邀请邻居来 申请空缺职位.
We're Listening
Need to contact us about a community or neighborhood issue? MG线上电子游戏的邻居联络员.
Grab tickets to a game and come cheer on your Denver Pioneers! 曲棍球门票, lacrosse, 排球和所有其他NCAA运动都可以在网上或里奇中心售票处购买.
纽曼中心举办国际知名音乐家和表演艺术家的演出, as well as recitals and concerts by DU students and faculty. 看看2017-2018年的日程安排,体验丹佛最好的艺术.
作为库尔斯健身中心的会员, you'll have access to a weight room stocked with free weights and machines, 跑步机和椭圆机用于有氧运动, 以及各种团体健身课程. 库尔斯健身中心还设有攀岩墙和球拍运动场地, as well as our Olympic-sized pool and the Joy Burns Arena, which offer open time for lap swimming and skating. Memberships can be purchased online or by calling 303-871-7684.
我们的校园是开放的活动,会议和会议的人以外的大学社区. You can rent rooms in many of our academic and administrative buildings, and our staff can help you plan a conference on campus. 我们甚至举办婚礼,利用我们的风景和科罗拉多的自然美景.
充实计划让有兴趣的成年人有机会通过非学分课程加入我们的学术社区. 短期课程的组合, lectures, seminars, 周末集训和夜校涵盖了从科学到当代问题到文学和艺术的主题, all without the stress of grades or exams. 与同行和专家讨论主题, 加深你对世界的理解,扩大你对新旧话题的知识和欣赏.
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我们的专业发展中心为当地专业人士提供技能和知识,使他们保持在各自领域的前沿. 拓展你的能力, 在我们的专业发展课程中,拓展你的人际网络,并与其他有抱负的人分享你的职业追求. 除了大学学院, 专业发展中心与我们的社会工作研究生院合作开设课程, 莫里奇教育学院和职业心理学研究生院.
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Osher终身学习学院是一个学习会员计划,专为50岁及以上希望在非竞争环境中学习的男性和女性设计. Our members come from a diverse range of backgrounds, 积极参与选择探索的主题,并作为教师和学习者. Classes are taught by experts, and cover a vast range of subjects. Interactive study groups mean no one stays a stranger for long, and many come away from their programs with lasting friendships.
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Family Programs & Camps
Athletics Camps
我们在整个夏天为年轻运动员举办各种各样的训练营,以提高他们的技能并在更高的水平上竞争. 篮球总教练罗德尼·比卢普斯(Rodney Billups)带领高中级别的运动员参加篮球训练营, and coaches from our other NCAA teams run camps in almost every other sport. You can sign up for overnight camps as well as day-only sessions.
Child Care & Early Education
费舍尔早期学习中心, part of our Morgridge College of Education, 为从婴儿期到学龄前的儿童提供照顾和教育计划. 以研究为指导, 该中心采用以游戏为基础的形式来支持儿童发展和个人需求. Children of all skills and abilities are welcome. 由于该中心的声誉, seats fill up quickly—contact Fisher early to join our inclusive, 培养社区.
Explore Fisher
Preschool & 中学教育
Tailored to children who learn best outside of traditional methods, 瑞克斯天才儿童中心为学龄前到中学生提供全年的课程. 通过小班授课, an engaging curriculum and individualized attention, 瑞克斯挑战学生,同时确保他们在课堂内外的成功. 学校日历包括可选的日间营地和夏令营,以适应繁忙的家庭安排.
我们的拉蒙特音乐学院暑期学院是一个为期15天的作曲家音乐体验, 14-18岁器乐演奏家和歌手. School faculty and world-renowned musicians teach classes, host private lessons and guide students through their final recitals. Plus, 学生可以参加有监督的校内和校外娱乐活动,体验MG线上电子游戏的生活.
Visit Lamont
Transportation & Directions
Our campus is located in south Denver, just off I-25 and University Boulevard. You can easily navigate to campus via public transportation. An RTD light rail station is located near campus, making it easy to travel to downtown Denver and the airport. We even have car share services and a B-Cycle station near campus.
校园停车按小时收费或按许可证收费,这取决于你选择哪个地段. 如果你来学校参加活动,你可以使用我们附近的任何一个付费停车场. Permits are available for purchase through Parking and Mobility Services.
Several hotels in the Denver area provide special rates for our visitors. If you're looking for lodging near campus, 请务必查看我们的酒店清单,并在预订房间时询问房价.
DU Master Plan
在制定新的总体规划期间,我们收集了邻居的反馈, 这是一个影响深远的计划,将帮助我们在丹佛成长为一所大学和一个社区. 基于DU IMPACT 2025, 我们的全校战略计划, we're working toward a DU District that includes everyone in the community. 了解我们的进展和未来的项目,因为我们的目标是支持我们所有的社区成员和朋友.
受IMPACT 2025的启发,我们正在确定计划和项目,以改善DU周围的地区. 我们正在寻求邻国的意见,努力创造一个支持我们共同目标的环境.
DU Bookstore
DU书店, 位于德里斯科尔学生中心, 提供了广泛的先锋齿轮, 以及新的和旧的教科书, snacks and the latest computer technology at the on-campus Apple store.
If you're looking for gifts or DU gear, the bookstore should be your first stop. 从衬衫、运动服到旗帜, 毯子和玻璃器皿, 在你的生活中,没有比这更好的地方可以找到正宗的Pio扇子商品了. DU书店 also offers a range of Apple products, often at a 10 percent discount for educators and students.
Partner with Us
If you're part of a local business and you'd like to partner with DU, please get in touch with our community liaison. 我们一直在寻找与我们的社区合作的新方法,我们很乐意听到你的声音.
Post a Job
If you're an employer looking to post a job or an internship for DU students, you can have your opening listed on our Pioneer Careers page. Our students and alumni use this database to find career opportunities, 所以,如果你正在寻找有才能的人来为你的目标做出贡献,这是完美的.
Careers at DU
我们一直在寻找有才能的人加入我们的教职员工和管理层. We're an inclusive community, and we welcome applicants from all walks of life. Check out our job listings to see what opportunities are available.